More than 30 blood donation teams have joined DonorUA for Teams

More than 30 blood donation teams have joined DonorUA for Teams

DonorUA for Teams - a solution for group and corporate blood donation

2 жовтня 2023 року, 00:00

37 teams have already registered in the DonorUA for Teams system, joining the popularization of a culture of blood donation and the development of corporate social responsibility.

DonorUA for Teams is a solution for group and corporate blood donation. It is a tool useful for organizations of all sizes to unite active and potential donors into communities. The system can be used by companies, governmental and non-governmental organizations, volunteer and other initiative groups, sports teams or creative associations - every community that is ready to join the donor movement together.

"DonorUA for Teams is a solution that we have been working towards for several years. Prior to improve corporate donor days and group donations were carried out mainly on a volunteer basis, unsystematically and chaotically. With our solution, we can quickly evaluate the contribution of each group, organization, and donor, and scale up the involvement of existing and new donors in regular blood donations. With this decision, we confirm DonorUA's status as one of the most technologically advanced social projects and hope that this development will open the door for us not only to corporate clients in Ukraine," comments Oleksandr Krakovetskyi, co-founder and CTO of DonorUA.

In DonorUA for Teams, you can create your own donor community, join an existing one, and organize a corporate donor day for your company to improve your social contribution. The system allows you to track the activity of the team and each of its members, as well as create sub-teams that can compete with each other. You can set goals to meet a certain portion of the blood needs of a city, region, etc., and monitor their achievement and the contribution of all participants in the process.

"This year, just like last years, we are implementing all of MHP's social projects with a focus on supporting the state and the military in a full-scale war. That is why we decided to organize the Blood Donor Day, which we have been holding at all our enterprises for several years in a row, in such a way that our contribution would be useful on the way to victory. To draw even more attention of our colleagues to the donor movement, we decided to involve professionals in this field - the DonorUA. So we registered our company on the DonorUA for Teams platform. We currently have 169 members there. During our cooperation, since June 2023, we have organized 3 events through the platform. It is useful because employees can join from different cities and have the opportunity to make a donation on a different day, but their contribution will be counted in the so-called team score. This adds unity in the team and an understanding that victory can be achieved in any way," says Pavlo Moroz, Director of MHP's Corporate Social Responsibility Department.

For businesses, this is an opportunity to demonstrate their corporate social responsibility, increasing employee engagement and loyalty to the company. For any other groups, DonorUA for Teams turns donation into a new and interesting form of leisure. In addition, any donor registered on the DonorUA website can join any open team in the system and find like-minded people.

"I am a military medic. I first donated blood because our battalion was asked for help by the relatives of a man who had been in an accident. Since then, I realized that it costs me almost nothing to save someone's life, so I started to involve my friends. At first, we were just helping patients find donors through various public organizations. Then we decided that we needed to do it in a more structured way and created the UrsusDonor team. It turned out that many people want to donate blood, but think it is unnecessary. We try to find such people and show them that their help is valuable. DonorUA for Teams helps a lot in organizing and streamlining these processes, and some donors get excited - they want to make more donations to promote the team. It also allows us to organize events that are visible on the website - this inspires trust among people who are not yet familiar with us," says Lilia Chorna, a member of the Obukhiv District Council, a health instructor at the medical center of the Obukhiv volunteer battalion, and a DonorUA volunteer.

DonorUA for Teams has a free package and paid plans. The funds received allow the DonorUA team to implement new projects to attract blood donors - on-site donations, lectures, information campaigns, etc.

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