Ukrainian NGO for blood donors recruitment
Our mission: Everyone who needs blood should receive it on time.
How to help
Your financial donations help us engage new blood donors
and transport the blood to the patients: сhoose your payment method.
blood donors in
requests for blood from patients have been processed since 2015
DonorUA received an award from AABB, the world's specialized association for blood donation. We were praised for invaluable work in helping to maintain the safety, adequacy and continuity of the blood supply in Ukraine amidst extraordinary challenges.
What we do
Engaging people to donate blood

Building community of the people united by common values

Providing consumables and equipment for blood centers

Funding blood transferring to the frontline

Funding Blood Transportation
We support the transportation of blood to the front line in coordination with government agencies.
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Promoting blood donation as part of a healthy lifestyle and enjoyable leisure time.
Read moreMy blood type/WWB
Knowing your blood type is important! DonorUA provides an opportunity to determine it quickly and free of charge at convenient locations.
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#Thanks Giving Wednesday by DonorUA and GBF
Support for employees of blood centers in the frontline regions.
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Donor recruiting system and database
A digital user-friendly system for donors and blood centers.
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Our main international and national partners