Smartass Blood Donation month has started: 24 people have already donated blood right in the gym

Smartass Blood Donation month has started: 24 people have already donated blood right in the gym

4 грудня 2023 року, 14:34

On December 2, the Blood Donation month in the Smartass sports clubs, initiated by DonorUA, has began. The club on Zhylianska Street (Kyiv) hosted the first event where 24 people donated blood for military and civilian patients (photos are here). The blood was collected by Amosov Institute physician team. The event was part of the #Bloom campaign, which promotes volunteering blood donation and healthy lifestyle.

The next open blood donation at Smartass sports club will take place on December 9 at another sport club of chain.

The #Bloom campaign is dedicated to the beauty and benefits of blood donation. It highlights it as part of a quality lifestyle - modern, stylish and healthy. You can also support the campaign and DonorUA.


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